What is clay for oily skin, select individually

Clay from oily skin

Clay Mask - an effective way to deal with rashes and skin fat.
Clay - amazing natural compound that is highly effective cosmetic product. Wraps allow to give the skin elasticity, to overcome the weight, remove cellulite, facials accelerate hair growth and quickly eliminates many skin problems. How to correctly use the clay, and which recipes are the most effective?

  1. Clay: features and differences
  2. Masks made of clay: Preparation for the procedure
  3. Clay mask: cooking rules
  4. Recipes masks out of clay
  5. For oily skin
  6. For combination skin
  7. For dry skin
  8. For aging skin
  9. Actions after applying a clay mask

Clay: features and differences

As is known, there are several types of clays that differ in color. They differ in composition, depending on which respectively differ and the principle of action.

It is therefore appropriate to choose the right foundation for a cosmetic mask to the procedure really helped to get rid of existing problems and added new ones.

  • Blue clay

Blue clay

Its main feature - a reduction of inflammation and healing, but because such an option is ideal for those who suffer from constant redness and rashes on the skin. It is worth noting that it was blue clay helps whiten the skin, and its regular use will gradually smooth out existing wrinkles and even eliminate this problem as the age spots.

  • Yellow clay

Yellow clay

But the yellow clay is ideal for those who suffer from excessively oily skin, as well as any inflammatory processes. By its action is similar to the blue and white clay, but its main advantage becomes a tonic effect on the skin. That is why regular facials to do with its use in the summer.

  • White clay

White clay

It is white clay is the most popular among other varieties, and is included in most cosmetics. The spectrum of its activities is wide enough: she dries, and toning, and cleans and smoothes, and even bleach. In addition, despite the fact that the white clay is ideal for oily skin, and it is suitable for those who need special care due to excessive sensitivity and skin sensitivity.

  • Green clay

Green clay

But the green clay is surprising that only a few treatments with its use will help a long time to forget about the oily sheen and other skin problems. And this is quite important, because if not promptly remove such trouble, it could develop into a serious inflammation and skin diseases, get rid of that will be much harder.

  • Red clay

Red clay

Often, any clay masks have a tightening effect, which can lead to redness and irritation. And this is the main difference between red clay: it is designed specifically for those whose skin is in need of substantial moisture, such as allergies. In addition, its regular use can somewhat reduce the sensitivity of the skin and eliminate lethargy and tightness.

  • Pink clay

Pink clay

Pink clay - a versatile option for those who do not know which of the many options is preferred. And all because it was created by a combination of white and red clay, and therefore, is ideal for all skin types: a fat and dry. Besides, even when applying the mask to a long time rarely causes burning or discomfort.

  • Black clay

Black clay

The perfect tool that allows you to quickly and efficiently clean the skin from rashes, acne, as well as all kinds of inflammation. However, it should be used with maximum accuracy, because it is not suitable for all skin types. You can check this only by experience, having put on the face prepared from black clay mask on the minimum number. If you have the slightest discomfort mixture of wash and apply a moisturizing cream.

Masks made of clay: Preparation for the procedure

masks out of clay

Before you buy clay and put it in the cooked mixture on your face, it is necessary to determine your own skin type in order to choose the best option. So, the answer to the question of what kind of clay is suitable for oily skin it is best to be as follows: blue, yellow, pink and white. Owners of the dry, sensitive and delicate skin should pay attention to the red and pink clay. As for the black, its use depends solely on the individual.

Apply the mask to clean better, a little wet face. Before the procedure, it is not necessary to do all kinds of peels, use scrubs, to steam the skin. If after a short time, there are painful sensations, you should apply a similar mask, a face covering food or any other film. The effect of the clay is not reduced, as it will be more safe for the skin.

Clay mask: cooking rules

Rules making masks out of clay

To prepare such a mixture is quite simple, just need to connect a non-metallic container clay and water Stir until consistency of sour cream. After that, add to the resulting combination of additional materials which will help enhance the effect of the procedure, as well as provide additional skin protection and nourishment.

Recipes masks out of clay

  • For oily skin
  1. Mix the white clay, aloe juice and water until the desired consistency, then apply on face for 7-10 minutes. This will dry the skin, remove the shine and get rid of the rash.
  2. To a mixture of clay (blue or white) and the water add a little cucumber juice - a similar recipe to effectively tones the skin and therefore particularly in demand during the summer period. In the absence of cucumber juice can be replaced with a parsley.
  3. White clay is thoroughly mixed with parsley juice, add a little water and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to the face for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Not only eliminate shine, but also whiten the skin, helps mask of white, blue or yellow clay which is added the egg white. Leave it on the skin must be no more than 10 minutes.
  5. Effective enough to use a mask out of clay and green tea, which successfully replace water decoction. Dilute the same consistency, applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool or lukewarm water.
  6. Suffice it useful to add to the mixture of clay and water a small amount of cranberry juice, which is actively fighting the fat shine on the skin.
  • For combination skin
  1. Clay mixed with starch, dilute with water. Apply on face and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then gently wash off.
  2. Good results for this type of skin mask provides for the preparation of which uses a natural vegetable and fruit the same, rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting mixture was thoroughly mixed with clay, and then put on the face.
  3. One of the most popular masks, among the owners of this type of skin is a mixture of cooked oatmeal with clay and water. It dries at the same time and a little bit, and it's great tones and moisturizes the skin, even a little. Suitable for almost all skin types, but is best suited for combination.
  4. To prepare the skin whitening and soothing mask is pre-brewed with boiling water, dry chamomile flowers, after which the resulting broth infuse for a couple of hours. Add to it the clay and put on the face.
  5. Dissolve yeast in warm milk and leave for 15 minutes and then mixed with clay. Apply for no longer than 20-25 minutes.
  6. The clay is to add two tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey.
  • For dry skin

It is important to remember that the owners of dry skin should not use blue, yellow, white and green clay. To make any of the recipes listed below require a red or pink clay.

  1. Add a mixture of clay and water cream spoon (preferably home), and then thoroughly mix and apply to the face. Even with long-term use of such a mixture does not dry the skin.
  2. For additional power and moisture should be added to a mixture of clay and water, any vegetable oil, such as olive, linseed or maize.
  3. Suffice noticeable effect manifests itself when added to a mixture of clay and water tomato juice, but this combination is not suitable for those who suffer from allergic reactions to different product groups.
  4. Squeeze of fresh peach juice, then cook the clay mixture thereof. This will not only moisturize the skin but also make it more soft and supple.
  5. Dry skin can and does make a mask out of clay and milk. Especially because, despite the seeming simplicity of the recipe it is quite effective.
  6. Egg yolk (preferably homemade) mixed with clay and leave on face for 5-10 minutes.
  • For aging skin
  1. To a mixture of clay and water to add daisy flowers or grape seeds, carefully mix and gently applied to the skin slow massage.
  2. Clay, egg protein (and may be whole egg), and a teaspoon of lemon juice mix until homogeneous, then left on the face for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Most pharmacies sell special vitamin complexes A, E and C. By purchasing such a drug in capsules, you can mix it with the clay and put on the face for 10 to 20 minutes. This will enhance the flow of blood, and accordingly, will be very useful for smoothing wrinkles.
  4. Connect glycerin (available at pharmacies), egg white and clay. Apply on the face. You can add a little honey. Rinse off no earlier than 10-15 minutes.
  5. Dried linden flowers pour boiling water, and after 10-15 minutes, strain the resulting broth and mix it with the clay. It should be noted that it will give a clay face healthy color, soft and velvety.
  6. A small amount of mashed potato mix with the clay, and vegetable oil. Leave on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Actions after applying a clay mask

clay mask

It is important to understand that the better the clay dries on the skin, the more pronounced will be the result of its use. For this reason, causing the cooked mixture on your face, it is necessary for 10-20 minutes to enjoy the peace and relaxation, trying not to move and not to strain your facial muscles. Otherwise, a clay mixture begins to simply peel off, which is why, at first, will decrease its effectiveness, and secondly, the need to clean everything from small clay pieces.

It is important to remember that although it is ideal to enjoy the silence in the procedure, the most important thing - do not fall asleep. And most importantly, because otherwise you can seriously damage your skin: zasyhaya clay will pull it all stronger and stronger, and accordingly there will be all sorts of facial redness and irritation, which can be kept for a couple of days. Of course, this can only happen if you keep a clay mask on her face more than an hour, or even two. Subject to the same basic guidelines for using this will not happen.

Rinse off the mask must be warm or cool water, then do not wipe, and blot the face with a soft towel. On the skin it is additionally apply a moisturizing cream. If, however, the main problem lies precisely in the excessive moisture and oily skin, it is better to wipe it with tonic, or else altogether to give the face rest, enjoying the pleasant air baths.

Mask of clay: the frequency of treatments

It is almost impossible to give a definite answer to the question of the frequency with which, it is worth conducting such a procedure, as in this case, everything depends on the individual, as well as the susceptibility of each organism.

Universal same option is that in case of any problems regularly, at least twice, and better still three times a week or even altogether through day to conduct such cosmetic procedure. As practice shows, with such a one month treatment regimen may be enough to significantly improve the skin condition, get rid of many problems surface, as well as seeking treatment for deeper disease. Regular use of clay masks for six months, giving altogether surprising result. This approach allows you to perfectly align the skin tone, making it more gentle and healthy, like velvet to the touch.

However, to secure this effect, even achieving the desired result, it is necessary to continue on a regular basis to make such a clay mask as a preventive measure, periodically alternating between different types of clay. Apply them in the face is 1-2 times a week will be sufficient in order to once and for all forget about issues such as redness, irritation, acne, acne and painful inflammation. And all because the clay mask is not just a cosmetic procedure, and the present treatment for problem skin.

Thus, the clay - the best helper for those who wish to find their own path to beauty and health, giving its exterior appeal and the skin smooth and soft. The most important thing to remember only carefully adhere to the basic guidelines for the use and preparation of certain clays in order to be really useful for the skin, and in any case not to hurt her. And then the long-awaited results will be fast enough, but the real reward for these works will own a beautiful and radiant face, a surprisingly clean, soft and beautiful.